O M A Y ' s    S T U D I O

Out of respect for the original artist, the images in this section ARE NOT available for print.

D I​ G I T A L     A R T

After Manet...

Kabul 9/11/05 Re-Worked

After Rembrandt.....

Swamp Apes Re-Worked

After Flinck.....


of Re-Worked by Others Section

After Rembrandt...

         I've been doing this (digital art) since it was invented.  From when there were only pixels to colorize and organize, then wire frames, nodes, 3 axis of direction, layers - to all the effects we have today.

         I sometimes take my paintings then re-work them digitally.   It gives me a second chance at the composition.  Doing that feels slightly compulsive sometimes....what I mean is 'how many times could I possibly fuck with the same picture again and again before I cross the crazy line? "  Some things are just hard to call 'done'.  I recall Winslow Homer's versions of the man adrift with the shark in the Caribbean...I know I liked that intense composition and enjoyed seeing his different versions rendered in the different media (for him it was sketched, waterolor, and oil).  

         One of my goals and financial plans for where I go with art is to some day create holograms.   I want to make enough money to get all the equipment I would need for that.  I only have a basic understanding of that process now, but I have a pretty strong inclination that I could make that all rattle and hum.


     One day I expect I may cut down on working with real paints and other media and doodle digitally more, but I'm really gonna miss the fumes from all of those chemicals.  One thing I don't like about digital work is the 'virtual'  impermanence of it.  I think Holograms would give the illusion of form that the art exists beyond data on a hard drive and images on a screen.